This (to the left) Is not something i have been able to do lately, I've had no time for cups of coffee and i don't think i will have time for a while !! Having the weekend off for Martyn and Helens wedding was nice but it went by to quickly. Now it's back to normal and with so much to do!! The house is a mess and I don't even know where to begin, we are moving in the next month so I need to start packing asap, I have also started a college course to do at home and i have only done a little bit of it in the last month so i need to a get a move on with that. In between all this I'm looking after Faye during the day and night, learning to cook new things that are healthier and i can mash up to give to Faye. I'm also sorting out all my dairy's into a nice organised Journal so it captures my teenage years nicely. While learning to drive and the garden needs sorted out. I've also got to organise someone to look after Faye for Katrina's 18th and Ryan and mines outfit because it's fancy dress. Argh!
So much to do!!!
I miss my bed !